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Body Wrap Info


Are you looking for It Works Body Wrap information?

 Our goal is to provide you information and outstanding support and guidance to help you get the best results using the Ultimate Body Applicator™… aka The Skinny Wrap. 
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Since 2001 we’ve been creating raving fans, and as word spreads around the world through social media and publications like Forbes and Inc Magazines 500/5000 list of fastest growing companies it’s become a phenomenon!  You can learn more about It Works Global and how the Ultimate Applicator Body Wrap was born.
What is the It Works Body Wrap?
The It Works Body Contouring Wrap is an all-natural, non-woven cloth that is infused with a herbal-botanical cream that can be applied to any area of the body to improve the appearance of the skin and it helps to firm, tighten and tone, while diminishing the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.  It’s simple to apply at home in 3-5 minutes, and it delivers these incredible results in just 45 minutes.
The most popular area to apply the Ultimate Applicator Body Wrap is the tummy or abdominal area, but it can be applied to any area of your body… from the chin & neck to the feet.    (Only the Facial Applicator should be applied to the facial area.)  
Buy It Works Body Wraps

Although many people see significant results with just one wrap, there are 4 applications per treatment on an area, and our wraps are packaged with four (4) individual Wrap Applicators per box for $99 at Retail, or $59 at wholesale through our Loyal Customer Program.
Get Wholesale It Works Body Wraps for Salons and SpasProfessionals in the beauty, wellness, or fitness industries, orsalon, spa or health club owners can offer the wraps as an add on service, or take home item to increase traffic to your business, and significantly add to your income and profits
Each wrap is approximately 13″ x 21″ and can be trimmed for use on smaller areas.    Here’s a Body Wrap FAQ  document
How It Works
It Works Ultimate Applicator Body WrapSo, just how does the Ultimate Applicator Body Wrap Work?    The herbal body contouring wrap’s powerful, botanically based formula delivers maximum tightening, toning and firming results. 
How Long Does it Take, and How Long Do Results Last?
Results can be seen in as little as 45 minutes.   After you remove the wrap your results will progress, or increase over the next 72 hours.    Skin will be tightened, hydrated, toned and firmed, and the appearance of cellulite can be diminished.   One wrap applied to an area is an application, (begins the the treatment)  There are four wraps, or applications in a treatment of an area of the body. (wraps are packaged 4 to a box).
It Works Body Wrap Before and After PhotoThese results are not temporary, unlike many body wraps that simply cause water loss.    Results typically last permanently, depending upon individual lifestyle.
Daily use of Defining Gel can improve and maintain your results from the wraps.    Continued use of the wraps will also help you achieve lasting results.    Because the application of each wrap progresses over a 72 hour period, the soonest you would want to apply your next wrap would be after the 72 hour period.   While targeting a specific body area, many people prefer to wrap the area once a week until they reach their desired goal.
Because our Ultimate Body Applicator Wrap is mess-free you can apply it at any time and it can be worn under clothing at home, or at work, or even while you sleep!
It Works Body Wraps Wholesale How to Order
Our wraps are packaged with four (4) individual Wrap Applicators per box, and are $99 as a Retail Customeror just $59 as a wholesale Loyal Customer.   You can alsopurchase one individual Body Wrap to try for just $25, or Host a Party and get yours free.

Buy It Works Body Wraps
To learn more about our wholesale, Loyal Customer program, CLICK HERE.
* This product is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women or children. If you have a medical condition, health concern, or are taking prescription medication, consult with your health care professional before using this product.
We Love to Party!
You can Host a Wrap Party at home, work, or anywhere.   When you have five friends who wrap, you get to wrap for free!   We bring everything; you just provide water for your guests to drink.    During the party, you’ll get to sample other It Works! products,  learn about the wrap and have fun.  It takes just about 90 minutes, or less.  
CONTACT US at 754-223-9786  or by email with any questions, for more information, or to scheduleyour wrap party!
How to Apply the Ultimate Applicator Body Wrap at Home, or on Someone Else

STEP 1 - Take a before picture of the area you plan to wrap so you can compare it to your after results.  Measure three spots on your targeted area.   For example, if you’re wrapping your stomach, you would measure 2-3” above your belly button, around your belly button, and 2-3” below your belly button.  Write down your measurements for future reference.  Here’s a Measurement Chart you can save & print.  –>>  

STEP 2 - Cleanse/wipe the area you’re wrapping to remove any lotion, etc.   Spray tanning, soap, and lotion can clog pores, if they are not removed or cleansed before applying the wrap your results may vary.How To Apply the It Works Ultimate Applicator Herbal Body Contouring Wrap
STEP 3 - Remove the Ultimate Applicator Body Wrap from its packaging and unfold.
STEP 4 - Position the wrap (herbal-cream side to the skin) over your targeted area, and pat it down as you go, so it makes complete contact with the skin.
STEP 5 - Once the wrap is applied, cover it with plastic wrap to keep the wrap in place.  You can also instead apply an ace bandage or snug fitting clothing such as exercise wear, or panty-hose with the legs cut off also work well.
STEP 6 - Leave the wrap on for a minimum of 45-60 minutes.  You can also wear the wrap under your clothing all day around the home, office or even overnight.   Do not exercise or perform any strenuous activity that will  make you sweat while wearing the wrap.  Sweating will cause the herbal cream in the wrap to turn to liquid and run off your body, instead of absorbing into the skin!
STEP 7 - IMPORTANT:  Start drinking LOTS of water—approximately half your body weight in ounces every day.   This is crucial, as you are detoxing the fat cells to shrink them.  Even if you don’t make a permanent lifestyle change to drink the recommended amount of water  for your health, it is critical that you drink enough water during the 3-day period that the wrap is detoxing.
STEP 8 - After a minimum of 45-60 minutes, remove the wrap, and gently massage the remaining lotion into your skin and allow it to fully absorb.  Do not shower, or wash off the cream for at least 6 hours.
STEP 9 -After the cream is absorbed, take an after picture.  Measure the same three spots 24 hours after first application.   Measure again every 24 hours for 72 hours.  Be sure to take an after picture at the end of the 72 hour period.  (Maximum inch loss occurs over the 72-hour period.)
STEP 10 - For best results, use four wraps consecutively on the same area, allowing at least 72 hours between each application.   We recommend using four wraps over a four-week period for fantastic results.


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